Panhandle Legal is a law firm based in Shepherdstown, West Virginia. Established in 2022, Panhandle Legal specializes in civil, property, business, and contract litigation.

I designed the logo, type treatments, color palette, and other branding elements, as well as the copywriting, under the guidance of Emblem Creative Co. owner, Michael Tallman.

The final logo design puts a twist on a traditional typographic logo. It has dimensionality, yet is still simple. The structure, which relies on the letterforms of P & L, feels dependable, professional, and is easily recognizable.

The goal for the entirety of the branding was to be formal and elegant, while still retaining accessibility and aproachability.

Brand Purpose

We deliver a sensible approach to legal issues. We act as a trustworthy advocate to our clients putting their needs first. We value our community and want to provide direct, affordable, and accessible legal help.

We value our clients’ time, money, and livelihood. We are your advocates. We are problem solvers. We believe empowerment and information drive beneficial outcomes.

Our mission is to be accessible and offer high quality legal services. Litigation is not always the answer, we do our best to provide alternate dispute resolutions.

Brand Positioning

CATEGORY: Panhandle Legal provides the community with accessible, quality legal services, specializing in civil, property, business, and contract litigation.

AUDIENCE: Community members looking for a straight forward approach to legal support.

Primary Logo

This logo should be used most frequently, wherever space allows.

Secondary Logo

This logo should whenever the primary doesn’t fit or feel right in any given context.

Brand Attributes

ACCESSIBLE - Our services can be tailored to a large range of social, financial, and legal needs.

HONEST - We are always fully transparent with our clients about the legal process and best course of action.

AFFORDABLE - Receive high quality services without the “large firm” price tag.

ETHICAL - Making money will never outweigh our clients’ best interests.

SENSIBLE - Sometimes avoiding the courtroom is the best option.

“Ethical behavior is doing the right thing when no one else is watching—even when doing the wrong thing is legal.”

-Aldo Leopold

Brand Voice

Simple, but not patronizing.

Professional, but not convoluted.

Empathetic, but not overly friendly.

Grounded, but not informal.

Clean, but not sterile.


project: CAL