Milk Makeup Branding Ident

Collab, 2022, After Effects, CRT TV + Glitchbox

This piece was made in collaboration with designer Morgan Raymond, The purpose of our ident was to showcase the overall brand, as well as their new “Future Fluid Foundation” with gorgeous chrome packaging.

My contributions included ideation, storyboarding, editing, and transitions. We also incorporated some actual footage of the product and filmed it being played on a CRT TV with a “glitchbox” that distorts the footage. As well as some 3D animation done by Morgan.

Adult Swim Logo Animation

Solo, 2022, After Effects

Little Shop of Horrors Title Sequence

Solo, 2022, After Effects, CRT TV + Glitchbox, Stop Motion, Analog

This a title sequence I created for the 1986 film “Little Shop of Horrors”. My main inspiration for this piece was animator and musician, Jack Stauber. He’s known for his VHS aesthetic and dark themes.

My process for this piece included building a miniature cityscape out of paper, making fake blood and forcing my brother to hand model, creating a stop motion flower puppet, and then filming the final cut being played on a CRT TV.

Cartoon Network Logo Animation

Solo, 2022, After Effects

Nintendo Logo Animation

Solo, 2022, After Effects

